William Eduard Brough,

descriptions of legendary motorcycles: Brough
Brough 1928: 4 cyl. 900 cc aircooled

Brough, 1902, Great Britain, William Eduard Brough, mechanics and electronics engineer, constructed his first car already in 1898. Followed by a tricycle with a french De-Dion-engine and finally in 1902 his first motor cycle "All Brough". Between the wars the Brough had been countered as one of the most expensive and of course best motor cycles until the end of its production in 1940. His son founded in late 1919 his own factory producing the famous "Brough Superior", the "Rolls Royce" among the motor cycles. The probably most famous owner of one was T. E. Lawrence of Arabia. And in 1929 Herbert Le Vack claimed world record with 207,73 km/h, in 1937 Eric Fernihough renewed this record with 273,244 km/h on a Brough. In Austria there were two famous riders in the 20ies: the later on famous sports photographer Lothar Rübelt and the later on "engines-professor" Robert Eberan Eberhorst. As well as the Viennese Prof. Dr. Konrad Lorenz (behavioural research of animals).